Saturday, January 7, 2012

Braces and other stuff

without braces

Where to start?! Getting braces wasn't that bad after all. I chose silver and teal as my colors and sence I got my braces durring Hanukkah I chose collors that were simalar to blue and white. Here is a picture of me before and after I got my braces put on.
I got a bunch of things for the  holidays like a pillow and kind of an iPod touch.
I was playing on my mom's new iPhone and taking picturres of my dog Cotton. when I handed the phone back to her I saw a photo of Cotton that I had taken and it was kind of cool. But my mom thought that it was so awesome that she put it on facebook. By that point I thought that it was a lot awesomer and it was awesome. So awesome infact that our family's fitografer said that it was amasing. At first I thought that it was just a normal picture and that my mom said that it was purfict because she is a mom and that's what moms do but when I found out that a profecanal said that it was awesome I thought about it a little differently.

awesome Cotton picture
with braces

1 comment:

  1. wowowowowowowowowowowowowowwowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow
