I'm getting braces soon. I am not looking forward to it ether. My mom and dad picked the worst time,too.
Three days before Christmas! What an awful date to get braces. And it's during Hanukkah! (which is the Jewish Holiday instead of Christmas.) Well they didn't have a choice I guess. It was ether that or right before a concert. Oh! I also got into the Ann Arbor Youth Choral witch is the one of the Ann Arbor Choirs. We did a concert for the opening of the new children's hospital. I do this choir with one of my friends form school named Marika. We sang Path to the moon and Remember me singing which are two songs we learned. here is a video of the choir singing Path to the moon. I am not in this video but you can see another video ssomewhere online from the hospital opening which I was in. Mean while just take a look at this video.